Dr Rana Dajani was part of the esteemed panel at the Multilingual Seminar Series (Arabic) webinar organized by the Genetics Society of America on 18th May 2021. This is a series of webinars which are conducted in non-English/ regional languages to highlight the struggle of communicating science in local languages. The panel for the Arabic webinar included Dr Tarek Abbas, Dr Ghada Amer, Dr Mouadh Benamar, and Ms Eman Rabie along with Dr Rana Dajani and discussed why they chose their career paths and how they engaged in scientific conversations in Arabic during their careers.
The mission of GSA as described on the official website is:
“The Genetics Society of America serves an international community of scientists who use genetics to make discoveries and improve lives. We advance biological research by supporting the professional development of scientists, by communicating advances and fostering collaboration through scholarly publishing and conferences, and by advocating for science and scientists. We seek to cultivate an inclusive, diverse research community that engages with the public, communicates the excitement and implications of discovery, and serves as an authoritative source of information.”